The Front of The Church
The Wedding Cake
I thought how they did the plates and napkins were very pretty. (The flowers were around the napkins).
Getting ready to cut the cake.
Anna Sofia and Elizabeth Botkin play their harps. They do such a beautiful job!
Mr. and Mrs. Justin Turley
It was so nice getting to see your family there! I just wish we'd had more opportunity to get to visit. There were so many people to speak to!
Lord Willing, we can see eachother again soon.
May God Bless your family as you seek to serve Him with all your heart!
God Bless,
Abbi (For the Fam)
It was so nice to see you all again too!
I too hope that our families will be together again soon. You are always welcome here!
Thank you for posting!
Love In Christ,
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