Friday, February 22, 2013

Metz Again! May 18th, 2012

We wanted to go back to Saint Avold and Metz once again before coming back to the states.  It was nice going when it wasn't 14 degrees like the first time!!

We thought the white sign on the right was interesting.  A version of our last name!

Saint Avold 27 November 1944

American Cemetery and Memorial

Headed to our next destination.

We drove by Porte des Allemands (German Gate) which is a fortified double gate that was once part of the extensive ramparts around Metz.  We also stopped to get a few pictures.

It sits right on the river.

Tiny roads.

Back to Metz Cathedral once again.

The first time we went to Metz, it was our first time out of Germany, we were very uncomfortable, and not very adventurous.  It's amazing what nearly four months of traveling will do to you!  It was funny because when we went back to Metz, we walked all over town and felt like we were right in familiar territory.

Of course we had to go back to the Patisserie.

Quiche Lorraine - the best.

This fromage was delicious!

Streets of Metz.

Instead of Apple stores they have Orange stores. :)

On the steps of the cathedral.

All sacked out.

Scenery on the way home.

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