Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Sabrina's 14th Birthday - March 19th 2011

 The birthday girl

 Sabrina and Daddy by her birthday countdown sign

Sabrina and Mommy

 Sabrina and Shenandoah

 Sabrina and Sayer

 Sabrina and Seth

 Sabrina and Stasia

 Sabrina and Sienna

 Sabrina and I
 (and Shenandoah too :)

 Sabrina and Joshua

 Opening gifts

 A view of the proceedings 

 Sayer did the brownies (with some oversight form me). He did a great job and we had a lot of fun!

 A birthday prayer

 Blowing out the candles

Enjoying brownies and ice cream!

We love you Sabrina!!! Happy Birthday!!!


Shiloh Strang said...

Happy Birthday Sabrina!!

Bethany said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY, SABRINA! I hope you had a *wonderful* day!

Bethany Joy