Thursday, June 28, 2007

At The Jamestown Quadricentinnial Celebration Saturday June 16th

Friday and Saturday at Fort Pocahontas were probably are favorite days of the week. It was all wonderful though!!!

This is where the meetings were held on Friday and Saturday at Fort Pocahontas

Following are some pictures of the Jamestown Children's Parade. It was a lot of fun!!!

Harrison Tyler - the grandson of the 10th president - watching the parade.

Sayer and Seth

President Theodore Roosevelt comes back to life!!!

Fort Pocahontas

Us kids by the Jamestown Children's Memorial.

A beautiful view of the James River from Fort Pocahontas.

This family did a beautiful job playing and singing together.

The eight month Jamestown 400 Natonal Treasure Hunt came to an end Saturday afternoon. Even though we did not make it to Saturday, we had a great time doing it and learned so much!!! Congratulations to Melanie Thomas and the Thomas family for winning the hunt!

The Fife and Drum Corps

The "Marriage of Pocahontas" play was very good!

After the final meeting there was a fabulous display of fireworks!!! For the grand finale, they played the National Antham as the last fireworks were going off. It was outstanding!!! This was truly a wonderful event. I am so thankful that we could go and I will never forget it!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Great job on the blog site. I have been slowly looking it over and it is exciting to see the places you got to visit! You are all beautiful!
God Bless,
The McKinnon Crew:)