Sunday, April 4, 2010

Breaking News - Hot off the Press!!!

We Have Baby Goats... and They Are All BOYS!!!
Can you believe it?!  Everyone just got home from church a little while ago and three baby goats were waiting for us.  They had just been born.  We were not expecting all boys (and needless to say, we would have liked at least SOME girls.  Our mama has had 2 girls and 1 boy each of the other times she has kidded).  But, providentially, this is the way it was meant to be!!!  They are awful cute though and have some very pretty (or rather, handsome :) markings on them.  Our mama goat and the kids all seem to be doing well.  I'll post some other pictures of the goat kids as well as their names here in a few days.

First time with the babies.

Pansy and..

two of our other goats were curious onlookers.

Seth and one of the kids.

Another one of the kids.


The Ahlgren Family said...

They're so cute! Congrats on the new babies!!! Do ya'll have any more does due this year?

Cochran Family said...

We aren't sure if we've got any more kids coming this year or not. There is a possibility that our other mama goat is bred, but we'll have to wait and see (because she isn't looking as big as she should :).

Hope to see you soon!